Saturday, April 17, 2010


At there is FINALLY a chance for the online public to input recommendations to the so-called 'blue ribbon panel' of people trying to address the numerous and long standing concerns of residents and riders.

(I just input over twenty suggestions and urge everyone to input their ideas to make the system better.)

The plans for this panel were announced January 20, 2010 and yet it is only after the TTC union held their own town halls that the TTC management has responded. This is in my opinion very reflective of the ongoing lack of customer service focus that has been the problem for decades. The TTC and our political deciders still need to be pushed to perform.

Just some of my suggestions:

  • DIRECT ELECTION OF TTC CHAIR: Similar to electing a Sheriff or judges in the USA, direct city wide election of a technologically skilled and proven senior manager to be the elected civilian oversight of the TTC. NOT to be cherry picked as a political favour by the Mayor. Having a wrd councillor double up with this is unfair to local constituents.
  • COORDINATED CUSTOMER SERVICE EFFORT: Instead of the union doing a townhall and piecemeal, poorly coordinated efforts, have ANNUAL townhhalls for citizens with ALL parties present: Union, workers, management, political oversight, media-TTC specialists - including the Mayor! If we are seriouys about the importance of 'Transit City' let's give it the full, comprehensive attention it needs.
  • CUSTOMER SERVICE KIOSKS: Located in every subway station, likely at Collector booths, for riders to immediately register compliments or complaints and get transit route information.

TRANSIT CITY - is a nice sound byte phrase. It needs to be much more than that. We are also hearing buzz words like "COMPLETE STREETS" and see a lot of news about the 'War on the Car' in reference to bicycle lanes.

In my view, we need a LOT more public dialogue and sensible planning on the entire issue of how we all get qround in our city. It should not be a piecemeal, short term outlook about cyclist rights versus car rights, or public transit versus traffic gridlock/cars, parking, delivery of goods within the city, etc.

We are at a turning point of opportunity. We need to look at ALL modes of transport, current and future, and come to consensus on a plan to include all forms of transportation in a well thought out vision and long term plan for implementation.

This is one of those city wide issues that affects each and every one of us, including those in our local neighbourhoods. We ALL need to be involved now because...